Monday, November 15, 2010

Social Network vs. Reality

 Isn't is amazing the things we are able to do these days? With the use of technology we can keep in touch with people we haven't talked to in years, meet new people virtually with out ever meeting them in person, chat with people both through text and face-to-face programs such as iChat and Skype. It is incredibly practical, efficient, and convenient, and yet, somehow extremely lacking.

 We now have a choice to make between virtual reality, and actual reality. Knowing people because we spend time with them face to face, in their actual presence, or spending time with them in the virtual sense through Facebook or Twitter, iChat or Skype. There is just something about being in another person's physical presence that cannot be replaced by a computer screen.

 Now, this isn't to say that social networking is all bad, there are a lot of good things about it. Besides the huge time suck that it can be, it is a great thing to be able to connect with people from all over the world with out ever having to leave our couches. I often find it difficult to pry myself away from my Facebook page. It's fun to catch up with people and feel like a part of their lives even from far away.

 But let's not forget that what is important for us as human beings is to interact with others on a daily basis. To have others in our physical presence to interact with, converse with, and be with people. To share our lives with them as we live each day. This is important not only for our own personal growth, but also to bring a sense community into the lives of those around us. Let's not forget that what fulfills our deepest need here on earth is to discover Christ's love for us through interaction with others.

 With that being said, I urge all of us to spend time with other people as much as we spend time in front of our computer screens. Let's try to interact with people by physically being in their presence at least the same amount of time, if not more, than we spend in the virtual Social Network. Let's make our reality be the time that is spent surrounded by people who love us as we try to spend less time glued to our computers.


  1. i love you! wish i could spend more time with you!!! :) miss you!

  2. I love you too! Hey at least we're staying connected through the Social Network ;) Lol

  3. You should read some Jean Baudrillard and his idea of hyper-reality. Its in the office.
