Monday, November 29, 2010

Love the World

 The mission and being of God calls us to love the world, and everything in it. This can be interpreted in SO many different ways. Here is how I look at it. First, we must love ourselves and others. Second, we must love, and take care of the earth itself.

 Loving ourselves is so much harder than it sounds. Especially when society paints a picture of what the perfect human being should look like, and very few of us fit the mold. But we need to keep in mind that we are the life form that God chose to appear as when He came to earth. He chose to clothe Himself in human flesh and live among us as one of us. We are still the living, breathing beings that Christ chooses to show His love through. That should be enough to help us love ourselves, and in turn, love others, because they also, are living alters, a dwelling place for the Spirit.

 We are also called to love the earth. And yes, this is a "Go Green" speech, but I believe it is a very honorable concept, and should not be taken lightly. If we are to honor God in His request for us to love the world, then we need to take care of the earth. More recycling, re-usable shopping bags, "paper or plastic?" ALWAYS paper! Unless of course the place you are shopping will recycle your plastic bags if you take them back. Using less water in the shower, brushing your teeth, doing the dishes. Just being mindful of everything we do, and how it is effecting the earth that we live in.

 So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that we all need to do our best to love this world in every way. Love ourselves, love other people, and love the earth, because that is who we are called to be as the living examples of Christ.


  1. Like I said, it sounds easier than it is. We all just need to do our best!
