Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Practicing Humility

 I have a lot of insecurities. When I say a lot I mean A LOT. It's come to my attention that because of my insecurities, I have become very critical of others. I find myself thinking things about the people that I see, about their hair, or their weight, or their clothing. Sometimes they're good things, like "oh she's so skinny" or "I wish I had hair like hers" or "that outfit is so cute". But a lot of the time it's things like "Wow, did you brush your hair this morning?" or "How could you leave your house wearing that?" or "Put that cheeseburger down honey, you don't need the calories." It is so mean and judgmental. And I would never say any of that to anyone's face, but then, why do I think it?

 I feel terrible thinking these things because I would hate it if I knew that people were thinking this about me. But it has almost become a habit to instantly compare myself to every female in the room and either think negative things about them, or think negative things about myself because compared to them, I feel so insignificant.

 I think that most, if not all, women struggle with this constant battle with comparing ourselves to others. It's almost like it's built into our DNA as women to feel the need to mentally rank ourselves when surrounded by other women. Not only do we compare ourselves to other women in our minds, society compares us in the media and by putting so much emphases on looking pretty and being skinny, that I think we have truly forgotten the beauty that we have as women.

 I am trying to get better about not being critical of others. I am also trying to be a little easier on myself and not be so judgmental. I need to start practicing humility. Because it's not all about me. Life's not about how I look. So I pray that God will help me to see everyone as beautiful creations, including myself. I pray that I can be loving towards others and be humble. To be less pre-occupied with my weight or hair color, or how pale my skin has gotten since the summer ended, and to be more aware of the beauty that every woman has in Christ. Here's to letting go of insecurity and embracing the love that God has for all of His beautiful children.

1 comment:

  1. Proverbs 31:30
    Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

    This verse is my go-to verse when I find myself comparing myself to others..
