Tuesday, November 9, 2010


 Okay, new job = less time to do everything that I've been able to do over the past couple of months, like keep up with dishes and laundry, make dinner every night, keep the floors clean.... the list goes on. But with less time comes great need for motivation. With less time to do it, it becomes so easy to say "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I'm too tired to do it right now." But this is the time when I need to be saying "If I don't do it now, then it won't get done and it will keep haunting me." and "The dishes and laundry are just going to keep piling up unless I just do it now."

 What it boils down to is this: How do I want to feel on a daily basis? Constantly stressed and trying to play catch-up? Or relaxed and regimented, set in a rhythm where I can keep up with out feeling overwhelmed? So there are two possible paths. Stress? Or Serenity? I choose serenity. God give me the devotion to stay motivated even when the things that need to be done are the last things I feel like doing.

 So I'm going for a run, and when I get back I'm going to do the dishes and sort the laundry before my shift starts at 4:00pm. Even though I really don't feel like it.

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