Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Finding Peace in Uncertainty

  I think a lot of times we are under the impression that in order to be at peace, everything in our life needs to be under control. We need to have the "right" job, the "right" friends, the "right" house, and the list goes on. But what would happen if we looked at things from a different perspective? What if we came to grips with the idea that the "ideal situation" is not always the answer to our problems? What if we could take a look at our lives in the midst of transitional times and say to ourselves, I am at peace because I know that joy does not come from material things, that true joy comes from knowing that Christ loves us just as we are: messy, sinful, and selfish to the core.

 If we can take a step back and try to find joy and peace in the uncertainty and in the tough decisions and mistakes and realize that this IS it. This IS life. This experience is what we are meant to go through and it doesn't matter where we live or what job we have or how much money we make. Ultimately, it's about the journey that we go through with others, and it's about loving them as Christ does. That's what we're called to do as Christians, regardless of social status or annual income.

 We don't always know what's coming next, but maybe that's okay. So here's to living life as it comes, in the moment, taking in each and every experience and appreciating it for what it is. Here's to finding peace in uncertainty. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. very cool sarah! it's something i know i need to work on that's for sure! thanks for sharing! love ya!
