Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Living out our Facebook Faith

 There is a recent trend on Facebook, where people are posting that someone challenged Christians that if they really believed in Jesus they would post it as their status. Along with a quote from the bible that says that if we deny Jesus, he will deny us in front of the Father.  This poses the idea that if we do not post it as our status, that we are not Christians; that this status has an influence on our salvation.

 Now this seems to me like a threat from an ignorant individual who doesn't understand what it means to be a Christian. And also as a way of guilting Christians into proving that we're not weak. But our strength as Christians is not shown only through our Facebook statuses.

  We do not need to prove anything to an anonymous voice on Facebook. We are called to more than that, to live and breath Christ's love to others every day. People should know by the way we interact with others on a day-to-day basis, not just because we post it on Facebook.

 So here's my challenge to myself, and to you; by all means, post it on Facebook that you believe in Jesus Christ. But then we must remember to take it a step further and live it out every day by loving others the way Christ did. Let them know that we are Christians by our love.

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