Sunday, November 28, 2010

Advent Season: A Lesson in Patience

 The season of Advent is upon us. A time where we are to remember and reflect on the time of waiting for the Messiah. The difference between now and before Jesus actually came to earth is that we know the story, we know that he comes as a baby in a manger, but the people of Israel had no idea. They were waiting for the unknown Messiah, not knowing how, when or even if He would show up. They were expecting a king that would come in glory and save them from their oppression from the Romans. But how often does God do what we expect? They were so busy worrying and expecting something spectacular, that most of them missed it.

 We need to participate in Advent to remind us to slow down in this, the busiest time of the year. We need to remember that the importance of this time is not to count down to Christmas, but to appreciate the chance to anticipate the coming of Christ. Because we know that He came as a baby. We know that He did come, and that He died for our sakes, and that through Him, we are saved. This is a time to learn a lesson in patience, and appreciate the wait. Because it is in waiting, that we can encounter God, and truly appreciate the meaning of Christmas when it comes.

 Let us take the next few weeks and try not to fill every day so full of parties, shopping and planning, that we forget to remember. Let us make time each day to stop, and reflect on the feeling of anticipation for the coming of our Lord. Let us take a lesson in patience this Advent Season.

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