Friday, January 7, 2011

Time Spent, Not Money

 Andy and I have been trying very hard to be intentional about saving money over the past few months. We're clipping coupons, shopping sale items, and changing from brand names to generics. Yesterday I had a very hard time with having to buy a cheap brand of hairspray instead of the solon quality that I usually like to buy. This also means that we don't go out to eat as often as we used to, we don't just go out and do things that cost money like bowling or a movie, we try to find things to do where we can spend time together, with out spending money. It is not easy, and it is not fun to have to let go of things that we want to do or buy.

  It is so much easier to spend $15 on a meal here, or $23 on bowling and drinks there, than it is to look for something to do that doesn't cost anything. We live close to the Plaza which helps because we can walk down and just window shop, but that usually lends itself to temptation to buy. We try to walk places when we can because it's not 3 degrees outside here like it is in MN every winter, it's averaging about 40 degrees here. So that saves money on gas, and it gives us more time together for conversation when we walk.

So today we have decided to walk about a mile over to the Nelson Art Museum and take a look around. We think it's free on Fridays, we'll have to see when we get there. Otherwise there is another art gallery that has been set up in a shop on the Plaza that we could take a look through.

 Here's to a fun-filled free day together, and spending time, not money.

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