Sunday, January 2, 2011

Satisfaction in Simplicity

 I have been thinking a lot lately about what my life would look like if I were to simplify it. There are so many distractions for our generation to get caught up with. It is so difficult to finish a homework assignment, read a book, paint, or play music with out taking a 'break' to plug in. With Twitter, Facebook, and Blogger causing a constant distraction and sucking up so much of our time, it's hard to find satisfaction in simplicity, to be content with out electronics.

 My husband brought up a good point the other day. I had been feeling down because with working as much as I am, I haven't been able to spend very much time doing the things that I like to do, like paint or learn to play the guitar, or even cook. Andy called me out by saying that maybe if I didn't park my butt on the couch in front of my computer screen every time I had a spare minute, I would be able to do those things. He was right, and it irritated me because I knew that I should be spending more time painting and playing music, and less time updating my Facebook status or looking at pictures of my friends online. Not to say that these are bad things, but I need to be better about spending my free time doing the things I love and save the social networking for later.

 So I am making another New Year's Resolution. I am going to spend less time Tweeting and more time painting. Spend less time on Facebook and more time learning to play guitar. Before I spend time in front of my computer screen, I will spend a little time in front of a canvas.

 I plan to continue to blog about my New Year's Resolutions at least once a week. I am currently trying to get in contact with someone at my church that would be able to let me know of any families in the community who could use a meal this month, and I am planning on spending a couple hours painting tomorrow, my first day off since Wednesday, and I need to go to a music store and buy new strings for my guitar.

 I hope that all of you readers can help keep me accountable for these resolutions. I really want to stay faithful to them this year, and hopefully be able to continue them in the years to come. Love&Peace.

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