Sunday, December 5, 2010

Life is What You Make of it

  I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about life. Mainly, where is my life going? What is my life going to amount to? Once you fall into a routine it can get boring and seem mundane, so how do we keep the excitement? 

 As I was working this evening I thought to myself, "Well, this is my life right now, and I'm only going to get out of it what I want to put into it." So I'm trying to be more mindful of the way I think about things. Every day that I go to work, I am going to have fun with it, and not dread it. Every time laundry day comes around, I am going to enjoy it, and same goes for the dishes, and grocery shopping. Because what it comes down to is this; living in the moment, and appreciating the time we spend doing things can make life so much more enjoyable. If we spend all our time dreading every little thing we don't really feel like doing, we lose so much precious time in negative thought, when we could spend that time being happy that we are physically capable of working, and doing laundry, and dishes. So I'm going to do my best from now on to have a positive attitude about everything that I do, because a joyful heart is good medicine! 

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